Wenzhou Zeneng Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd.


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About us 

Wenzhou Zeneng Electric Power Equipment Co. Ltd. is a professional enterprise with many years of production experience of electric power and new energy products, specialized in scientific research, production, and trade. The Enterprise is mainly engaged in manufacturing of electric power fittings of high and low voltage transmission line and substation, and design, supply, install of wind and solar energy. ....

1KV Series1KV Series 10KV Series10KV Series NLZ SeriesNLZ Series NLL SeriesNLL Series Suspension clampSuspension clamp JBLY Series of  parallel-groove clampJBLY Series of parallel-groove clamp JBT copper parallel-groove clampJBT copper parallel-groove clamp
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Wenzhou Zeneng Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd.
Tel: 138-6879-7685